The Role of The Student Facing EAC - Teks Pidato Bahasa Inggris

Senin, 22 Februari 2016
Pidato ini telah memenangkan Juara I lomba: 
Pidato Bahasa Inggris tingkat SMP se-EKS Karisedenan Pati
di SMK Duta Karya Kudus Tahun 2016
oleh Mahfirotul Ilmiah - MTs NU Al Munawwaroh Lau Dawe Kudus

The Role of The Student Facing ASEAN Economic Community (EAC)

 Assalamualaikum Wr. Wb. 
The excellently the committee of this school
The honorable the adjudicators of this event
And all the audience of this room

Well, ladies and gentlemen
Good morning ladies and gentleman. How are you this morning? I hope we are in a good condition in this lovely morningI’m.............. from MTs NU AL Munawwaroh.
I would like to say ALHAMDULILAH to Allah , , We praise you Allah, who asks us to the right direction and give us guidance. You direct us to the best direction. He guides us to the path of Islam on which there are goodness of the world and hereafter. We also bear witness that Muhammad is his devotee and His messenger. He is the best man who guided his  people to their God with wisdom, expertise and good advice. May peace and blessing be upon the chosen creature, namely our leader Muhammad, along with his companions and the people who follow him well until the day of judgment. I also would like to thank to the juries and all the audiences who give me a good opportunity,to stand here in front of you all for delivering my speech in theme “ The Role of the student facing AEC”
All the audience
 As we know that ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) is an agreement ASEAN countries in enhancing cooperation in the economy will take effecton December 31, 2015. This form of cooperation is intended thatthe creation of a free flow of goods, services and skilled labor, and freer flow of investment. Indonesia, which is one of the countries that took part in the AEC 2015 has great potential and opportunities to improve the national economy.
Many ways once the preparations for the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) in 2015. It is also a challenge because the true mindset and spirit of the government and economic actors Indonesiastill as usual. These conditions are necessary forawareness for young people like us  this nation's next generation. The younger generation as we have to prepareourselves as ASEAN free market already enacted. For the sustainability of the country in the hands of the youth, when awareness of the importance fix themselves to face the MEA for the younger generation does not exist, Indonesia will be sold to other countries andstates Indonesia be controlled by other countries.
The support of the younger generation to face the MEA is one of the strengths of Indonesia to be able to survive in a free market competition. The younger generation needs to make a variety of activities among whichcreate their own business while a student, socializeMEA and encourage other young people toimprove entrepreneurship so that new businesses willemerge and be able to maintain the country's economy. For Example , in my class has one program in entrepreneurship , make a cassava chips and we sell it around the school stall and store.
The young generationis one of the pillars of the success of the destination country, because theholder are inside.
The students with creative, innovatif and smart with new ideas will improve their role in all aspects of life als AEC/MEA. In facing AEC/MEC active participation of the student are necessary to improve  the progress and survival of Indonesia in the eyes of ASEAN and the world.
That’s all my speech,thanks for your attention.
Wassalamualaikum wr.wb

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